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Bullet resistant windows and doors

KIMMELUX BULLET PROOF AL is a bullet resistant structure made of solid aluminum that includes fixed facades and doors and windows that can be opened. The most typical applications are the facades and partition walls of banks and other public buildings. The structure that can stop rifle caliber bullets has a certificate from GOSTROI.

The system profiles are available as heat cut and uncut. All machining can be done with equipment that is meant for machining aluminum. Normal connectors are used in the structure and they are attached either with a corner clamp or with screws.

KIMMELUX SPECIAL PROTECTION is one of the leading profiles in the markets and a bullet resistant structure manufactured by using Kimmelux special steel, and it includes fixed facades and doors and windows. The most typical applications are the facades of banks and other public buildings, custom-built bullet resistant rooms and partition walls.

Special protection steel has got PM2000, EN1522, Stanag 4569 and MIL-A-46100D certificates, among others.

Burglar and bullet resistant doors

Burglar and bullet resistant doors manufactured by Kimmelux PLC meet the requirements of structural burglar protection conditions of classes 1-3.

Bullet resistance classes

- SFS EN -1063 BR2 – BR7
- EN 1522 FB3 – FB7
- STANAG 4569 classes 1 - 3

Peephole can be replaced with Kimmelux burglar and bullet resistant glazing that has a hidden mirror feature, from bullet resistance classes EN 1063 BR2-BR7 or STANAG 4569, classes 1-3.

The door and the frames are made from steel, and the hinges are welded to the door as well as to the frame.

Abloy’s usage locks, safety locks, solenoid locks or motor locks are used in locking the door.

The doors also always include dowels that prevent break-ins.

The door is either wet painted or stove enamelled.

The standard sizes of bullet resistant doors that weigh approximately 100-190 kg are 890 x 2090 mm and 990 x 2090 mm, or the door can be custom-made according to the client’s needs.

Contact us

Kristian Niinimäki

Kristian Niinimäki

Sales, Foreman
[email protected]


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